Against a dark sky all flowers look like fireworks. There is something strange about them, at once vivid and secret, like flowers traced in fire in the phantasmal garden of a witch.” – G.K. Chesterton What flowers should you grow in your witch’s garden, amongst the herbs for your potions and your outdoor altar? Foxglove, […]
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Spring Equinox: Renewal
March 20th is the Vernal Equinox, which, in the U.S., heralds the beginning of spring. I, for one, am more than ready for spring and its warmer weather, budding trees, flowers, and showers. The earth is waking up, stretching, and greeting the dawn. Spring is a time of renewal. Everything is fresh. The world is […]
Read More...Vernal Equinox & Full Worm Moon Altar
This Wednesday, March 20th, is the Vernal Equinox and it is time to renew our altars for spring. Clear away any symbols of winter and really go big with symbols of spring: eggs, snakes, flowers, lambs, hares and rabbits, butterflies, lady bugs, pastel colors, live plants, pastel gems and minerals, symbols of balance (the vernal […]
Read More...Triskelion
Today, Google is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with the triskelion, the triple spiral. I wrote about the triskelion in the Winter Solstice issue of Hag Stone Journal: Newgrange, in Ireland, is a Neolithic monument aligned with the winter solstice sunrise, and is even older than Stonehenge. Bones, grave goods, and votive offerings have been found […]
Read More...A mushroom by any other name…
Mushrooms have some of the best names, like Witches’ Butter and Octopus Stinkhorn. Many common names for mushrooms refers to parts of the body, like: Snaketongue Truffleclub Bearded Fieldcap Club Foot Hair Sedge Smut Drab Tooth Hump Back Golden Navel Devil’s Fingers Tiger’s Eye Elbow Patch Crust Hairy Nuts Disco Bald Knight Hot Lips Hairy […]
Read More...Book Art
My library isn’t very extensive but every book in it is a friend.” – Anne of Green Gables You may have seen folded book art online or in real life. It looks amazing and almost magical. How do they do that?? I knew I wanted to do a book craft for this issue and, since […]