March 20th is the Vernal Equinox, which, in the U.S., heralds the beginning of spring. I, for one, am more than ready for spring and its warmer weather, budding trees, flowers, and showers. The earth is waking up, stretching, and greeting the dawn.
Spring is a time of renewal. Everything is fresh. The world is muddy, or just washed clean again by rain. Life is peeking out in new growths. Every day there is another colorful denizen emerging in the garden. Life begins anew in a chaotic splash of creation.
Renewal isn’t always nice and clean and orderly. It is wondrous and surprising and it can be messy. We don’t always appreciate surprising and messy in our lives. It is not comforting. It is more work. But it is where growth happens. Renewal might sound like a day at the spa with cool cucumber water and white robes, but new growth is always struggling towards the light. Renewal is a magical sacred mess of waking up, stretching, and of unfurling beauty.
Welcome to spring. Welcome to magic, adventure and embracing the process of growth.

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