It is Friday the 13th and the Harvest Full Moon. Tonight watch the full moon rise, or go out and greet the moon, the symbol of your intuition, while it is at its zenith.
While you are outside, you can do a Full Moon Releasing Ritual. You will need:
- candle
- matches or lighter
- paper
- pen or pencil
- a fireproof pot, bin, or cauldron that you can burn paper in
Under the full moon
Look at the world around you
Look at the moon
Feel the tension release from your body
Light your candle
Say a prayer or intention to connect to your intuition and/or your divine source
Write down on your paper what you want to release from your life, your day, your psyche
Read what you have written, aloud or silently, perhaps starting with “I release…”
Burn your paper in the pot
Shake your body loose
Feel the release in your body
Meditate in silence for a few minutes
The light of the moon connects you to your intuition
Give thanks for all that you have that guides you on your highest path

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