I can turn my dreams into reality through setting goals, and taking actionable steps day by day. But how do I know if what I am spending my time and energy on is really what I want? For that, I need to connect to myself. I need to turn inward. I need to develop practices that help me connect, hear, and be in alignment with my heart, my highest self, and my highest good.
I have several things I can do to turn inward:
Journaling (I use journaling and tarot in conjunction)
Religious service
Long walks
Sitting in nature, especially by water
Activities where my body is engaged but my brain isn’t, like chores and crafts
Showers and baths
All these practices can give me space to tune into what is really in alignment with my heart. Sometimes I have worked hard to fulfill goals imposed on me by society, parents, family needs, and dreams I used to have. I feel more energized and in the flow when my goals and actions are informed by my heart. Once I know it is a heart aligned goal I have more confidence in myself and what I am doing, and confidence is great fuel.
My heart aligned work is Hag Stone Journal. It has taken me so much to come back to knowing what I want and need. To find myself out in the woods again. To trust my voice. To believe in myself. To embrace my specific beauty. It has taken a lot of introspection and time to become, once again, my whole self. It is a journey that I am still on and will always be on, continually becoming, offering myself to the world, and gratefully accepting all that the world is offering me.
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