Excerpt from the Memento Mori issue.
One of the practices that I began when I was diagnosed with cancer was daily recitation of the Metta Meditation: the Loving Kindness Meditation. I was taught it at a Yoga for Healing class and these are the words I was taught:
Thinking of yourself and really feeling the meaning of the words in your body, repeat three times:
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy.
Then, thinking of someone you have positive feelings for and feeling the words for them, repeat three times:
May ___ be filled with loving kindness.
May ___ be well.
May ___ be peaceful and at ease.
May ___ be happy.
Now, thinking of someone you feel pretty neutral towards and feeling the words for them, repeat three times:
May ___ be filled with loving kindness.
May ___ be well.
May ___ be peaceful and at ease.
May ___ be happy.
Thinking of someone you have some difficult or negative feelings for and feeling the words for them, repeat three times:
May ___ be filled with loving kindness.
May ___ be well.
May ___ be peaceful and at ease.
May ___ be happy.
Now, thinking of the whole world, starting around your location and growing and growing throughout the entire world, feel the words for all humanity and repeat three times:
May all be filled with loving kindness.
May all be well.
May all be peaceful and at ease.
May all be happy.
Lastly, thinking of yourself again and really feeling the meaning of the words in your body, repeat three times:
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy.
Breath in. Breath out. Slowly come back to the present moment.
Great Post! I have been doing something similar for Susann.