In the Small Things issue of Hag Stone Journal I describe what a sigil is and how to make one. If you would like to share a sigil you made I would love to see it. Post it on instagram #hagstonejournal #hsjsmallthings. I will post the sigil I made this morning for Peace and Wholeness over there too. I added some colors to mine because that made it feel more peaceful to me.
The process, again, is to write out the word. Cross out the vowels and repeats. Break the letters into their basic shapes. Recombine the shape into a symbol that represents the original word or words. You can add or subtract shapes for symmetry or design. It is your symbol and should feel right to you. I doodled over a dozen different version before I came up with my sigil for peace and wholeness, which is the feeling I want to invoke this weekend.
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